

Patient Records

Stunted common boa

Wraith is stunted from hovering near starvation for many years.  When Snake Haus took him in he was so frail, dehydrated, and emaciated we weren’t sure he was going to survive.  Once we saw him gaining strength we chose the name Wraith as a reminder of how close this guy came to the point of no return and to serve as a caution to all that failure to provide adequate care for these animals is unacceptable.

Scale counts suggest he is a Columbian boa, yet at 11 years old, he is not even 5 feet long.  It’s a miracle he survived.

Wraith is now very strong and active.  He is a remarkable individual.

These images below are from when we first rescued Wraith.  They show how thin and dehydrated he was.  He has come a long way.

Wraith has been adopted!