Codes of Conduct

The Snake Haus Codes of Conduct represent our belief systems for how we treat animals and people alike. We take our roles as Public Educators and Animal Care Givers seriously. The well-being of the Snake Haus animals will always be our first priority. Their care is placed as the number one priority of all members of the Snake Haus team. We feel that all lives whether large or small, short or long, deserve respect. That includes all animals and people.

The guidelines described here have been adopted by the Snake Haus Directors as our Codes of Conduct and following them is a mandatory part of working with our organization. We may choose not to associate with some individuals if we feel their behavior conflicts with these guidelines.

The Codes of Conduct will be defined in the following sections:

  • Professional conduct
  • Animal welfare as a priority
  • Following Snake Haus animal care guidelines
  • Thoughtful Social media posting
  • Not for entertainment
  • Reporting problems/concerns
  • Over reaching your knowledge base
  • Service to the public

Professional Conduct

I will act as a responsible member of the Snake Haus team and will behave in a respectful and professional manner at all times.  

If a Snake Haus director or officer notifies me that I have acted in an unprofessional way I will accept constructive criticism and work on improving my behavior immediately.  Disagreement with the Snake Haus leaders on this matter can result in immediate removal from the Snake Haus team should my behavior be deemed severe enough.  

Professional conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following categories:

Language – I will not use profanity, derogatory, or prejudiced language when interacting with the public. 

Attire – I will wear relatively clean and non-revealing clothing when volunteering with or at Snake Haus.  If I am not sure what that means I will ask one of the Snake Haus leaders for guidance. I will wear the provided Snake Haus attire if recommended by the Snake Haus leaders when attending public events.

Partners and Community – I will treat my fellow Snake Haus volunteers, officers, and directors with respect and camaraderie at all times.  I will also treat members of the greater reptile community with respect and care.  

Public – I understand some members of the public may not be fond of the animals we work with.  I will not pressure anyone to interact with the animals directly if they don’t want to.  I will not treat any member of the public poorly even if they are not supportive of our mission. 

If I am struggling with this section I will ask for help from the Snake Haus leaders to improve my professional conduct.  Failure to improve when indicated may be grounds for dismissal.

Animal Wellfare

I will uphold the following animal welfare goals:

I will protect the well-being of the animals in our care at all times.  I agree to keep their safety always as my first priority. This supersedes any and all commitments at public events or other duties. 

I will not put any animal’s well-being at risk for my own benefit.  I will defer to the Snake Haus leaders if my actions on this matter are found to be causing this type of risk.  If I am notified of a problem in this matter I will accept constructive criticism and take immediate action to correct the problem.

If I find myself unable to continue the work we do for any reason in a way that sacrifices our animal’s safety I will immediately notify the Snake Haus officers that my position needs coverage.

Following Snake Haus care guidlines

I agree to adhere to the guidelines recommended by the Snake Haus directors regarding care of our permanent residents both at home and during travel.

If I disagree with the Snake Haus care recommendations I will discuss it with a Snake Haus officer or director immediately.  I will maintain an open mind and discuss differences in care recommendations with one of the officers in private in order come to an agreement regarding the care of our animals.  

Thoughtful Social Media

I understand that social media is a public forum that can influence people in our community.  

I will therefore refrain from posting derogatory content that may adversely effect Snake Haus and the animals we strive to protect.  This includes posts on my own pages, as well as in groups, or on other public pages.  

If I create a post that violates this section of the Snake Haus Codes of Conduct, and the Snake Haus leaders request my post be modified in order to be supportive of reptile care and public opinion, I will do so immateriality.  This includes, but is not limited to, posts about medical care, feeding, and other topics that may be controversial in the eyes of the public.
If I am unsure about topics that can be problematic I will consult with the Snake Haus leaders before posting.

Not For Entertainment

I will not use any animal purely for entertainment.

Snake Haus does not agree with the use of pet snakes for entertainment.
Working with and learning about these animals can be quite entertaining in itself, which is wonderful and rewarding, but entertainment is not our goal.  Our priority is to improve the lives of these animals at Snake Haus, in private homes, and in the pet trade.  That is best achieved via education.  

As a Snake Haus team member I agree to help ensure that interactions between Snake Haus animals and the public will always be focused on education.  

I understand and agree that Snake Haus may decline certain visits or events if they do not support our goals of education in a lasting and meaningful way.

I will not invite guests to the Snake Haus facility without express permission by the directors ahead of time.  I understand we are not open to the public, visits are by appointment only, and must achieve a higher goal of education, or be in support of animal care.

Reporting Problems/Concerns

If I notice anything suggesting an animal is under stress, or is experiencing a health problem, I will bring it to the attention of an officer or director immediately so they may take action to correct the perceived problem.

I will seek out assistance from one of the Snake Haus officers if I am concerned that an animal welfare problem needs to be reported to the authorities.  

If an animal needs help it can’t always wait for a case report to be made.  We could potentially provide help sooner.  Legal action requires proper documentation. If needed, the Snake Haus leaders can seek out assistance in getting guidance for this from our colleagues at Animal Control.  

Reports will be made with the understanding that I did my due diligence to notify the Snake Haus leaders of a problem and helped to correct it immediately.  I understand that failure to notify the Snake Haus leaders of an animal welfare problem before reporting it makes ME part of the problem and causes help to be delayed.

Overreaching Knowledge Base

I will not guess when answering questions for the public during events, in emails, or on social media. If I am unsure of the correct answer to a question I will seek help from one of the directors or officers. 

If I am unsure how to answer a question I will attempt to get immediate help from a Snake Haus leader when the question is asked.  If that is not possible I will tell the person that I am not sure of the answer but will help them find the correct answer. I will offer the Snake Haus email or direct them to the Questions & Answers page so they may contact us for more information.  

Offering Service to the Public

I will not make any promises of service or agreements on behalf of Snake Haus on my own. 

All requests for animal surrender, adoption, volunteer, or events must be submitted via email or the online forms found on the Snake Haus website.  

If my help is requested in a private matter I will consult with the Snake Haus leaders on how to proceed.  We strive to offer assistance whenever possible but it needs to be done in a professional and traceable manner.