This material can be excellent for building large enclosure that need significant structural integrity. Melamine is heavy though so is not used for something that needs to be moved around.
We used Melamine to build many of our largest enclosures – 8′ and larger. What you see here is the main structure for our mainland retic stack. These are each 11′ long, 3′ deep, and 2′ high so they give giants like Valac and Lilith ample room to stretch out and exercise.

This is the superdwarf stack. This one is also melamine, however it is made out of recycled tables! Yep, you read that right – tables. Thirteen 8×3′ folding tables were donated to Snake Haus last year. At first we didn’t know what to do with them. Then an epiphany struck – these tables are melamine! The stack of enclosures you see here is made out of 12 tables. We love to recycle and reuse items that would have otherwise been discarded into a dump. Hurray!

Here is a melamine enclosure nearing completion. It still needs another door but you can see the idea. We installed heavy duty wheels on this one that are strong enought to support 2000lbs. It will act at the base for a rolling display for shows. We prefer melamine for this type of a build because it is much stronger than the foam board PVC that boamasters and other similar enclosures are made of.
Here is a combination of PVC and Melamine. In this case we built a rolling base out of stonger melamine to stack some boa masters on top of.

Follow this link to find our plans/designs for building your own enclosure!