Some of the Snake Haus residents are available for adoption, but NOT ALL of them. If you are searching for an animal to adopt, please go to the Adoptable Animals page.
LOCAL ANIMALS ONLY – Washington and Western Idaho
Safe Haven We currently house over 70 snakes at our main care facility in Snohomish, WA where there are several different rooms dedicated to these animals. There is an ICU and quarantine area separate from the long term residents. Additionally there are separate rooms housing several varieties of species. 7
The Snohomish location specializes in the care of the larger species of boas and pythons. We have a second location in Clarkston, WA where most of the smaller snakes such as the colubrids are kept.
Animal Safety & Handling Levels
The Snake Haus animals are grouped into categories based on their behavior and handle-ability. Most animals have a number at the top of their page. This tells you what level they are.
All of the animals go through a 3-month long quarantine period when they first arrive. During that period they go through health checks (and treatment if necessary), behavioral assessments, and training/socialization. After completion of the 3-month quarantine period, we decide what level of exposure they can handle. We have several different levels of animal: Follow the link below to read about the various levels.
Meet Our Snakes

Current residents at Snake Haus include numerous types of boas and pythons, as well as some colubrids at Snake Haus East. Our facilities are not yet open to the public but you can visit the animals here. Explore each category below to discover and learn about the different types of snakes we have. If you know which of our animals you are looking for you can use the Search option on the Menu or find them in the Animal Index. If you don’t know who you are looking for, peruse the pages below to find someone that fascinates you. Enjoy!
The Snake Haus Residents
Boa Constrictors
Boas are a large and diverse group that contains some of the most commonly neglected animals. Boas such as the common boa, or Columbian boa, are often sold in pet stores as little babies without any information about how to care for them properly, how long they can live, and how big they can get.
Carpet Pythons
Carpet pythons are so colorful, active, and fun to handle. But watch out! Some of them can get to be over 8 feet long!
(Pictured: Sallah)
The Giants
These large constrictors are not recommended as pets for any but the most experienced of keepers. They are often purchased from breeders as tiny babies by people who have not researched their long term needs and size potential. Some of these giants can grow to more than 20 feet long. Meet some of them here in the Giants pages.
(Pictured: Ludo)
Ball Pythons
Who doesn’t love a ball of python. . . a ball python, I mean! These are some of the most commonly neglected snakes. The ball pythons are so common as pets that, unfortunately, many people treat them like “throw aways”. These incredible animals can live more than 30 years if cared for properly. Come meet some of these little balls of cuteness!
(Pictured: Lita)
Blood Pythons
Heavy bodied and spunky, the blood pythons and their relatives are quite unique.
(Pictured: Rowen)
The colubrid family is full of silly, slippery, colorful trouble makers! They are so much fun! Visit the colubrid pages to learn about them.
(Pictured: Elvis)

Other Animals (non-snakes) We also have numerous other types of animals. Click on Other Animals below to see some of our non-snake residents.
(Pictured: Hector)
Surrender or Adopt
Visit this page for information about surrendering or donating an animal to Snake Haus, as well as seeing which animals are available for adoption.
(Pictured: Stevie)